Sunday, October 23, 2011


Model It
The Model Workshop was an very helpful and informative module that enabled me to gain some much needed skills and experience in model making. Model making in my opinion is an essential part of architectural communication so therefore, I think that this module is an essential part of the course. Through the process of modelling The Fisher House and Barcelona pavilion, I was able to learn the importance of precision in model making and being able to express the ideas of the architecture through the model. The in class exercises were also helpful as they urged me to use models as a design tool which I then went on to employ in design studio. Below is a selection of images that I believe showcase the most successful parts of my model it submissions.
Draw It
The Draw it workshop was another informative workshop that helped me to gain an understanding in the concepts of line heirachy and precision of line work when producing architectural drawings. furthermore, the process of rendering the drawings was also helpful in gaining an understanding of how to represent emotions or a sense of realism in the drawings. Below is a selection of drawings that I believe are the most successful parts of my submission.
Montage it
Like the other workshops, I found this module to be very informative and helpful in terms of me learning a new way to communicate architectural ideas. Montages in my opinion are a very effective way of presenting a finished design or even just representing an architectural idea. I found this module to be a refreshing change to the earlier module as it allowed more freedom in how we could approach the task. The process of studying an artwork and then transforming an idea from the art into a design and then into a montage was both helpful and enjoyable. Below is a poster that depicts why architects make montages along with some earlier draft montages from week 1. Below that is my entire final submission for this particular module.